The use and access our online pharmacy online platform, you accept and agree to our terms and conditions outlined here. However, you will only be allowed to buy from through our website if you are 18 years above.
Through purchasing our goods or services you agree and comply with these rules and conditions. Moreover, you may not enforce a chargeback on your card for transactions made via our system.
We follow personal information for our customers' protection and its reasonable use. Moreover, as the process of purchasing receives any data, this information will be used only for the purpose of assuring your orders are fulfilled well enough and increasing our service efficiency.
We guarantee that no data you have sent us will be released to third parties without your full authorization.
In case of you making a chargeback, we reserve our right to take all necessary measures to return any losses. In the event of a chargeback, we are able to take any necessary action including pursuing corrective measures to prevent these situations from reoccurring.
There may be suspension or termination of your account and we could go at length to secure legal support.
We want to make it clear that no information on our website is given for the purpose of diagnosing or treating any health condition. It is only an educational information and should not be misunderstood.
We aim to offer reliable and updated information on the medications presented on our platform, however, we will not be held accountable or liable for the effectiveness or safety usage of any medicine purchased through our platform.
We do our best to arrange the delivery process, however, in the case of stock availability shortage, weather barriers, and shipping problems we are not responsible for shipment delays.
Nevertheless, we continue to do our best in regard to the prompt delivery of the orders, although the timelines of some shipments might be affected by circumstances out of our control.
In addition, the issue of medication must be treated independently, as we cannot be accountable for the medications themselves or for their safe usage by individuals. The health care professional consultation must be done before the start of any new medical remedies and their use must be done according to manufacturer indications.
If you have decided to buy your medications at our web pharmacy, you agree and accept these terms and conditions.
We would like to assure you that we will remain committed to providing you with a safe platform for shopping for medication and the guidelines in this regard are important therefore, we appreciate your support and cooperation in adhering to these guidelines.
If there is anything unclear to you or you have any concerns, our customer support team will be happy to help you with the information you are looking for. Your satisfaction is our top priority at